Terms of service.
By booking in any sessions the client agrees to adhere to these terms of service.
Susan Nienaber. NZBN: 942904803804. 213 Takarau gorge road, Ohariu, 6037 Wellington, NZ. On site address: 299 Takarau gorge road, Ohariu valley, 6037 Wellington, NZ. +612041599111. susan@equineeq.co.nz
All prices are in New Zealand Dollars.
A 48 hour cancellation policy applies in all circumstances. Cancellations can be done via text, email or facebook messenger. After 48 hours the client will be charged 100% of the appointment fee.
All sessions have to be paid for prior to commencement.
Susan Nienaber will hold your contact details on file. These details will only be used for direct contact, emergencies and invoicing. They will not be shared with any outside parties. If you want Susan to make changes or destroy these details after no longer being a client please contact Susan.
Clients acknowledge that horse riding and handling horses at any standard has inherent risk and that all horses may react unpredictably on occasions.
The client agrees that, to the extent permissible by law, Susan Nienaber or her employees have no liability to them and/or their horse whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss, (including, but not limited to injury or death) sustained during or in any way related to coaching, training and services.
The client understands that instructions are given for their safety and agree to follow instructions given.
The client agrees that they will always wear a riding hat that is up to standard whilst riding horses during coaching/training sessions.
The client understands it is their choice whether or not they wear a helmet during ground work and handling, however Susan highly recommends clients wear helmets in all circumstances when working with horses.
The client understands that it is their choice to wear a body protector other then during cross country training.
The client understands that Susan Nienaber or her employees will make decisions based on information they give and agree to always be honest and volunteer significant information.
The client will keep any children that they are responsible for under close supervision when they are not being instructed by Susan Nienaber or her employees.
The client understands that Susan Nienaber or her employees may refuse their request to have coaching or for my horse to receive training or services for safety and operational reasons.
Clients authorise the use of their name, voice or picture in any promotion, advertising, and in any other way, without payment to Susan Nienaber or any other form of compensation. There will be no confidential material shared without explicit consent from the client.
The client consents to receiving medical treatment in the event of illness or injuries suffered during or immediately after coaching or training.